Practical Exam Work
Id No:18IT019
Name : Vandita Hanishkumar Chapadia
Subject: Data Science (IT441)
Task 1:
Dataset Description using Orange tool.
What is need to be done to improve the accuracy of classification result of the given dataset? Get the maximum classification accuracy possible by performing following methods.
o Encoding
o Normalization
o Missing value handling
o Feature SelectionCompare your accuracy with and without applying pre-processing steps. Perform the Classification and visualize accuracy before and after preprocessing in Orange/Python.
Orange Tool:
Orange tool is open source data visualization ,machine learning and data mining toolkit.
Here we have seen that the difference of with pre processing and without pre pocessing and test score of classification .
Generate the Dashboard of preprocessed dataset from task-1.
Find the Maximum data insights by plotting Bar chart, Boxplot, Pie Plot, Stack Plot using PowerBI dashboard visualization.
Power BI:
Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualization and business intelligence capability with simple interface for end user to create own dashboard and report based on their analysis purpose.
After generating individual report ,select publish and log in with where you can find workspace which publish and combine all report and pinned in to dashboard.
Now Dashboard is ready,
visit the link to check dashboard: