About Web Technology & Application

Vandita Chapadia
9 min readOct 6, 2020


What Are Web Technologies?

Web technologies are the various tools and techniques that are utilized in the process of communication between different types of devices over the internet.

The web, in this case, refers to the World Wide Web, more commonly known as WWW. It first came into being in 1989 when famous scientist and engineer, Tim Berners-Lee, came up with an efficient mechanism to share resources between scientists all over the world.

All these webpages, documents, and any other resources are identified and located with the help of their URLs. These collectively form what we refer to as the World Wide Web.

Web Browsers

Web browsers, often just called browsers, make it possible for us to view all the resources that are part of the World Wide Web. They are based on a client-server architecture. The client is the browser in this scenario. You can think of the server as a combination of software and hardware that receives the client’s requests and then sends the requested resource to the client.

Whenever you enter a URL into a browser’s address bar, it relays your request to the server and then fetches and displays whatever the user requested.

Frontend vs. Backend Development Technologies

Frontend refers to all those parts of a website that a user can see on their screen and interact with.

Backend refers to the exact opposite of that. It involves the hidden mechanisms that make a webpage function. A typical user is generally unaware of what goes on at the backend.


Hypertext Markup Language, more commonly referred to as HTML, is where the WWW started. A Group of HTML tags contains functionality and effect of what web page going to appear on the browser. It is a client-side language that is used to code the frontend of a website. It helps developers define how the webpage will be structured, and it does so with the help of elements that are identified by tags.

Each item enclosed in the < > brackets is an element. DOCTYPE, however, is just a declaration which communicates to the browser that what it is about to load is an HTML document. The <body> element defines all the content that forms the body of the document. <h1> and <p> indicate the start of a heading and a paragraph, respectively. </body>, </h>, and </p> are closing tags. They indicate where the body, heading, and paragraph end.


CSS is one of the most fundamental website design technologies. To further beautify your web pages, you can integrate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) into your HTML code.

The process of applying certain styles to certain elements of your HTML code can turn into a repetitive task. To save time and energy, CSS can be used to streamline the process of styling your pages across the entire site. Once you prepare a CSS is also combined with Bootstrap to design mobile-first web apps.

Programming Languages and Frameworks

Programming Languages

1. Java

Java was created in 1991 as a general-purpose programming language and also mostly used in web technology like servlets, JSP, JDBC, and many frameworks design in the foundation of Java.

Java is well-known due to some of its amazing features, including its

· Object-oriented nature

· Portability and platform-independence

· Simple syntax

· Learnability

· Robustness

It is generally used on the server side.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript was first created in 1995. Today, it is mostly used in web technology because it works both side client or server-side as well and widely used due to different types of frameworks with different purposes.

Today, the inclusion of graphical elements, database integration, and overall dynamics of a website are all possible due to the advent of JavaScript.

3. Python

Python has been around for years but is only recently gaining popularity due to its extremely easy-to-learn, readable syntax as well as its high productivity. A task that might use 10 lines of code when written in any other programming language could easily be achieved in 2–3 lines of Python code.

For server-side web development, Python is often used in conjunction with the Django or Flask frameworks, which further simplifies the development process.

4. PHP

PHP, a recursive acronym, stands for PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor. It is the most popular and widely-used scripting language preferred of the server-side.

When used with Apache HTTP SERVER at the backend, PHP enables you to deliver efficient, high-speed, and high-performance web development projects. In the growth of PHP, today which is a highly useable scripting language on the Internet because of half of the website, web services, blogging site, shopping site, and many are developed using PHP.PHP are also used as CMS type website and their frameworks like Drupal.

5. Ruby

Introduced in the mid-90s, Ruby is a powerful general-purpose programming language that has, over the years, become popular among backend developers. It is often used in conjunction with its popular framework Ruby on Rails. Ruby is especially recommended for traffic-intensive websites and those that require a lot of work at the database end. It is also useful for writing scalable apps.

Popular sites such as Twitter and Shopify were built with Ruby at the backend.


A framework defines the basic functions or tasks that the code is expected to do. However, in order to tell that particular program how to perform those functions, you will have to write some more detailed, specific instructions.


All the data that is exchanged on the web needs to be stored somewhere. For this purpose, most websites have their own databases associated with them.

Database are divided generally in two type

1. Relational Database

· BM DB2

· Oracle

· Microsoft Access

2. NON-Relational Database


· SQL Server

· Postgres

· Oracle

· MongoDB

· Redis

Data Formats

Proper process and format are required for formatting data when devices are exchange information. Data is packaged properly for transmission from the source to the destination. Special APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are designed and integrated into websites for convenient data exchange. They arrange the data in such a way that the receiver can easily decode and understand it.

Below are two common data formats used in web development

1. XML

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. We discussed the syntax for HTML at the beginning of this article. XML operates in a similar manner in that it breaks down data into elements identified by various types of tags. However, with XML, you can invent your own tags to describe your data better. This data, upon reaching a web app or server, can be easily understood and analysed.


After years of experiencing XML’s bulkiness and heavy consumption of bandwidth, experts came up with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Unlike XML, JSON focuses more on quick and easy data exchange rather than detailed data definition and modeling. It also eliminates all the extra load that XML carries in the form of repetitive tags.

JSON is based on the familiar key-value pair mechanism. Its syntax resembles that of JavaScript, making it quite easy to read and understand.


Web protocols are some predefined rules that must be followed by everyone communicating over the web.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol, better known as HTTP, is a web protocol that defines two concepts:

1. How client requests are relayed to servers

2. How servers respond to client requests


1. The URL for the resource that the client wants

2. A method, such as GET (which is used to fetch data from the server) or POST (which is used to send data that needs to be updated on the server)

3. A list of headers (Request headers may contain miscellaneous information about the client or the resource that they have requested, such as client browser name, operating system, message size, time and date of request, access control information/credentials etc.)

4. The body which contains the information that the client wants to send to the server


1. A status code which is in the form of a 3-digit number (A status code that you might have seen during your everyday web browsing sessions is 404, which indicates that the requested resource could not be found.)

2. A list of headers (response headers resemble request headers in structure, and may carry information such as message size, content type, etc.)

3. The body which contains the information that the client requested from the


1. Canvas

Canvas is an element which is a part of HTML. When used along with JavaScript (or any other scripting language), you can draw graphics on a web page bit by bit. The JS aspect provides interactivity in Canvas graphics, including animation.

2. SVG

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is based on XML and works very well with HTML. it can also easily be manipulated using CSS.

The secret to its popularity is in its name: Scalability. What sets SVG apart from other graphical styles such as JPEG and PNG is that it is not pixel-based. It relies on numeric dimensions (vectors) which can be easily scaled up or down without a loss in quality.

3. WebGL

Web Graphics Library, better known as WebGL, is a web technology resource that allows browsers to render both 2D and 3D images on the screen. It eliminates the need for external plug-ins and is compatible with both desktop and mobile browsers.

The Future of Web Technologies

A report by Cisco predicts that almost 52% of the world’s population will have access to the internet by the year 2020. The World Wide Web will grow at astonishing rates to include a higher number of people, devices, and resources available online. Therefore, web technologies are expected to scale up. Consequently, tech professionals will strive harder to provide accessible web content to users everywhere.

The WWW started as Web 1.0 with static web pages written in plain old HTML. It then moved on to Web 2.0 with the advent of JavaScript and other technologies that enabled users to interact with web content and produce their own.

Soon, the Web will go a step further and enter its third phase, i.e. Web 3.0, which will be far more decentralized than it is today. Modern technologies such as AI and IoT will soon dominate the Web. Everything will be much more automated in terms of both the development and consumption of new content.

About I2IM Library Portal:-


A Library web portal is a site that provides a single function via a web page or site. Library web portals often function as a point of access to information on the World Wide Web. Portals present information from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the search engine standard, web portals offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock prices, infotainment, and other features. Portals provide a way for enterprises to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether.

Tools and Technology


· Bootstrap



· JS

· jQuery



· Xampp Server




The proposed system is an automated Library Portal. Through our software get Remote access, video library, search books, update information, get updated with all events and information, and contact us in a small amount of time in a quick time. Our proposed system has the following advantages.

· User-friendly interface

· Less error

· Easy to get Information & contact with members

· Search facility

· Look and Feel Environment


Elements of Library Web Portal

· Intuitive and customizable web interface

· Search interface

· Resource linking

· User authentication

· Security

· Contents of library web portal



Vandita Chapadia
Vandita Chapadia

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